Monday, December 3, 2007

Facial Laser Hair Removal
Dr. Bernstein Contributed By: Dr. Eric F. Bernstein
Clinical Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
President, Yale School of Medicine, 1986
Medical Director, Mainline Cosmetic Laser Center
Tweezing, Creams, & Waxing may irritate or damage skin
Facial Hair is Treatable with Laser Hair Removal
A 50% to 70% reduction of facial hair after three treatments is typical

Unwanted facial hair on women often appears on the upper lip, chin and sides of the face. Before you decide on the proper removal method first determine that the cause of the hair growth is not hormonal. If you are experiencing an abnormal growth of hair on these facial areas or if the hair is very thick, you should consult your physician to determine the underlying causes before you embark on a removal regimen.

If the hair growth isn’t caused by hormonal abnormalities, you have a number of different options for removal. I find that women often choose to tweeze the hairs. Overall, this is not the best solution because repeated plucking can cause irritation in the hair follicle and, on darker-skinned women, can also result in scarring. Unless you have just a few stray hairs that occasionally pop up, save the tweezers for other uses.

Laser hair removal is the newest weapon in the hair removal arsenal. The ideal candidate for laser hair removal has fair skin and dark hair, but good results can be achieved by an experienced laser practitioner on darker-skinned women. Overall, laser hair removal is not very effective on light blonde or white hair.

Before you begin treatment, you should consult a dermatologist to determine if you are a good candidate for laser hair removal. You also want to make sure that the person treating you (whether it’s a doctor, registered nurse or licensed esthetician) is experienced. The three most important questions to ask during a consultation are:

* Do you own the laser or rent it? If the doctor owns the laser, that tells me they have a high level of commitment and experience.
* How many patients have you treated?
* What kind of results can I expect?

Although laser hair removal is often billed as permanent, a 50 percent to 70 percent reduction after three treatments, performed six weeks apart, is more realistic. On facial areas, maintenance treatments are usually necessary for complete removal. Depending on what part of the country you live in, charges for laser hair removal should range from $150 to $350 per facial area.

Avoid laser treatment around the eyes- - on the brow area and in between the eyes. Because laser rays can penetrate deeply, this is an area better treated by tweezing, waxing or electrolysis.

Electrolysis uses low-level electricity to kill the hair follicles. On the upside, results last longer than with waxing and depilatories. However, the process can be time consuming and costly. Finding a reputable practitioner is key, because electrolysis performed incorrectly can cause scarring. Before you begin treatment, ask for referrals from former clients, and make sure that a new needle is used for each session. I generally recommend electrolysis for women with white or very blond hair and for women who have areas with isolated hairs.

Depilatory creams dissolve the hair at the base of the follicle. They are ideal for widespread areas (like the legs), but can be problematic when used on the face because they irritate the skin and usually don’t remove all of the hairs. On the plus side, depilatory creams are a relatively inexpensive option. On average, results will last for one to two weeks.

Waxing is one of the most popular solutions among my patients. Generally, it is an effective method to remove hair on the upper lip and fine hair on the side of the face, but I don’t recommend it for the chin area, where hair tends to be more coarse. Waxing can also be problematic for darker-skinned women, who sometimes experience discoloration due to irritation and inflammation. Depending on the type of hair you have, waxing results should last from two to six weeks.

Last Modified: January 14, 2007

Bikini Laser Hair Removal
Dr Garden Contributed By: Dr. Jerome Garden
Professor of Clinical Dermatology, Northwestern University Medical School
Director, Physicians Laser and Dermatology Institute of Chicago
Frequent Lecturer and Author
Laser hair removal can be effective removing bikini hair
Irritation caused by hair growth can be treated with laser hair removal
Treatment is a good alternative to waxing or shaving
Bikini laser hair removal is well tolerated by patients

Like other anatomical areas, laser hair removal of the bikini area is dependent on such factors as hair color, skin color, hair strand thickness and density. These factors will be evaluated by physician offices to help choose the most appropriate laser system for each patient. Those physician offices with the most experience in the field of laser hair removal have the greatest potential for choosing the most appropriate laser or similar light source.

Although hair removal of the pubic area is widely sought after, and effective, there are more than just aesthetic concerns when treating this area. The bikini area is also a region of common occurring folliculitis, inflammation and infection of the hair follicles. Not only does this result in itchy and painful lesions, but fairly often secondary hyperpigmentation and darkening of the skin occur from the inflammation. Fortunately, the laser has been very helpful in reducing, or eliminating, hair growth and diminishing, or stopping, recurrent folliculitis.

Not only does laser hair removal stop the folliculitis, and subsequent skin darkening, but some of these laser systems are beneficial in reducing hyperpigmentation, and persistent skin redness, which occurred from earlier episodes of folliculitis. This exciting secondary benefit to laser hair removal is very appreciated by the patient. Having a bikini area that is free of hair, irritation, and discoloration, can be very desirable.

Although other forms of hair removal--such as electrolysis, depilatory creams or waxing--can be used, each has its own limitations as to effectiveness and ease of use. In three to six treatments, bikini laser hair removal may accomplish a permanent reduction in the majority of pubic hair. The procedure is very rapid and well tolerated. Even the hair that remains is many times reduced in diameter, making them significantly less of a cosmetic issue while also reducing the irritation of the hair follicle. Overall, this procedure is commonly performed with high patient satisfaction. Remember lasers are medical devices that need a high level of expertise to be used safely. Physician offices specializing in these procedures increase not only effectiveness but also the safety of the procedure.

Last Modified: January 14, 2007

Hair Removal Journal
About Us

is brought to you by American Medical Media, in conjunction with our Advisory Board, and our medical affiliates. The purpose of Hair Removal Journal is to provide patients interested in hair removal, specifically laser hair removal, a credible resource to research laser hair removal, including costs associated with the procedure, the number of treatments that will be needed, and other frequently asked questions.

In addition to providing a centralized resource to research laser hair removal, we are also the nation's leading network of laser hair removal providers. Each doctor listed on the Hair Removal Journal is a board-certified physician licensed by their home state. Each office is physician-supervised and performs laser hair removal under the guidance of their physician.

Importance of Provider Experience

The goal of the Hair Removal Journal is to provide you, the patient, with the credible information you need to help you make an informed decision about laser hair removal and also to ensure you have access to a list of physicians who perform it. Increasingly laser hair removal is performed by a wide range of medical and non-medical professionals, and it is critical to select a provider who has extensive laser hair removal experience. Be sure to use our Find a Provider search function to locate a practice near you offering laser hair removal. When you select a practice, make sure you review the "Credentials" section of the profile, and don't be afraid to ask questions when you go in for a consultation.

Doctor Supervised Laser Hair Removal Providers

Laser Hair Removal

Hair Removal Journal is brought to you by American Medical Media, in conjunction with our Advisory Board, and our medical affiliates. The purpose of Hair Removal Journal is to provide patients interested in hair removal, specifically with laser hair removal, a credible resource to research laser hair removal, including costs associated with the procedure, the number of treatments that will be needed, and other frequently asked questions.

In addition to providing a centralized resource to research laser hair removal, we are also the nation's leading network of laser hair removal providers. Each Hair Removal Journal Member is prequalified for membership and must meet our strict guidelines for admission into the group. All members of the Hair Removal Journal are doctor-supervised facilities in good standing in their home states and provide each patient with the highest quality treatments available.

Laser hair removal

Mechanism of action

The primary principle behind laser hair removal is selective photothermolysis. Lasers can cause localized damage by selectively heating dark target matter in the area that causes hair growth while not heating the rest of the skin. Light is absorbed by dark objects, so laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the skin (but with much more speed and intensity). This dark target matter, or chromophore, can be naturally-occurring or artificially introduced.

Hair removal lasers selectively target Melanin:

* Melanin is considered the primary chromophore for all hair removal lasers currently on the market. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin (it gives skin and hair its color). There are two types of melanin in hair: eumelanin (which gives hair brown or black color) and pheomelanin (which gives hair blonde or red color). Because of the selective absorption of photons of laser light, only black or brown hair can be removed.

Both men and women seek laser hair removal services to have superfluous or unwanted hair removed. Hair removal is commonly done on lip, chin, ear lobe, shoulders, back, underarm, abdomen, buttocks, pubic area, bikini lines, thighs, face, neck, chest, arms, legs, hands, and toes.

Laser is attracted to dark pigment and therefore works best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair are an ideal combination, but new lasers are now able to target dark black hair even in patients with dark skin.

Hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997 and the Food and Drug Administration approved it for “permanent hair reduction.” Laser hair removal has become extremely popular because of its speed and efficacy, although some of the efficacy is dependent upon the skill and experience of the laser operator, and the choice and availability of different laser technology at the clinic which is performing the procedure. Some will need touch-up treatments, especially on large areas, after the initial set of 3-8 treatments. It has also been observed that some people seem to be non-responders – this is not confirmed and reasons are not known, and may in fact be due to lack of skill on the part of many laser operators and/or the type of machine and settings they are using. Keep in mind that it's hard to judge whether someone’s lack of results is due to a potential underlying medical condition that causes continuous growth and makes it seem like laser isn’t working, if the treatment wasn't performed properly, or whether for some people it just doesn't work for currently unknown reasons. In essence, you can’t determine what your personal results would be like unless you try it. Results depend on many variables involved, including the tech's experience, type of laser used, how settings are set, etc. It is recommended to start with one area and see how your hair reacts before committing to a set of treatments on many areas at once.

Electrolysis is an alternative permanent hair removal method that has been used for over 135 years.[citation needed] It involves treating one hair at a time and is an option for smaller areas (like eyebrows or upper lip) where precision is necessary, although even in these areas it has fallen out of favor because of the possibility of scarring and the pain of the procedure (unlike laser hair removal, local injection anesthesia is often required in order for patients to tolerate electrolysis). In addition it takes so many treatments compared to laser to complete a large area, and the extreme cost and discomfort are such that electrolysis is rarely used for large areas. At this time, it is the only permanent option for very fine and light-colored hair.

[edit] Laser parameters that affect results

Several wavelengths of laser energy have been used for hair removal, from visible light to near-infrared radiation. These lasers are usually defined by the lasing medium used to create the wavelength (measured in nanometers (nm)):

* Argon: 488 or 514.5 nm (not used for hair removal anymore)
* Ruby: 694 nm (not used for hair removal anymore; not safe on most skin types)
* Alexandrite: 755 nm (most effective, but safest on light skin)
* Pulsed diode array: 810 nm (for light to medium type skin)
* Nd:YAG: 1064 nm (for darker skin)

Pulsewidth is an important consideration. It has been observed in some published studies that longer pulsewidths may be safer for darker skin. However, shorter wavelengths may be more effective in removing hair.

Spot size, or the width of the laser beam, affects treatment. Theoretically, the width of the ideal beam is about four times as wide as the target is deep. Hair removal lasers have a round spot about the size of your finger (8-18 mm). Larger spot sizes help make treatments faster and more effective.

Fluence or energy level is another important consideration. Fluence is measured in joules per square centimeter (J/cm²). It's important to get treated at high enough settings to cause permanent damage to the hair follicles.

Repetition rate is believed to have a cumulative effect, based on the concept of thermal relaxation time. Shooting two or three pulses at the same target with a specific delay between pulses can cause a slight improvement in the heating of an area.

Epidermal cooling has been determined to allow higher fluences and reduce pain and side effects, especially in darker skin. Four types of cooling have been developed:

* Clear gel: usually chilled
* Contact cooling: through a window cooled by circulating water
* Cryogen spray: immediately before/after the laser pulse
* Air cooling: forced cold air at -34 degrees C (Zimmer Cryo 5 unit)

Multiple treatments, usually 3-8, have been shown in numerous studies to provide long-term reduction of hair. Current parameters suggest a series of treatments spaced at 3-12 weeks apart for most areas, although the timing of treatments has still not been standarized.

[edit] Number of sessions

The number of sessions depends on various parameters, including the area of the body treated, skin color, coarseness of hair, and gender. In addition, since hair grows in several phases and laser can only affect the currently actively growing follicles, several sessions are needed to kill hair in all phases of growth.

In general, it is necessary to foresee between 3 - 8 treatment sessions. Coarse dark hair on light skin is easiest to treat. Finer hair and hair on darker skin is harder to treat and may require more treatments. Certain areas (notably men's and women's faces) may require considerably more treatments to achieve desired results.

It's important to note that laser does not work on light hair and very fine and vellus hair. Electrolysis is the only permanent solution for those types of hair but has shortcomings such as possible scarring, expense, and discomfort, as noted above.

[edit] Intervals between sessions

Usually, treatments are spaced 3-12 weeks apart to start, although the spacing depends upon individual response to treatment. Instead of following an arbitrary schedule, you should wait until you have experienced shedding of the treated hairs, which should complete within 2-3.5 weeks, and see enough hair come in after the hair-free period to have another treatment. Treatment spacing also depends on area treated as hair cycles vary based on the body part. For example, women’s faces usually require more frequent treatments, whereas backs and legs require less frequent treatments.

[edit] Other uses

Hair removal lasers are effective treatment for pseudofolliculitis barbae (commonly called ingrown hairs or "shaving bumps"). For darker skin patients with black hair, the long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser with a cooling tip can be safe and effective when used by an experienced practitioner.

They have recently been reported as helpful treatment for pilonidal cysts, since they eliminate the ingrown hairs that produce the troublesome foreign body reactions in this congenital malady.

[edit] Cost

The costs of laser hair removal vary by U.S. region, and by surface area and location treated.

[edit] Risks

The use of large quantities of high potency topical anesthetics to large surface areas of the skin, particularly when applied under occlusion, such as under plastic wrap, may result in lidocaine toxicity and resulting arrhythmias, and is contraindicated. According to published reports, two women completely coated their legs in topical anesthetic cream while at home and then suffered a toxic reaction on their way to the laser clinics, which led to coma and then death.[22]Risks include the chance of burning the skin or discoloring dark skin with the laser, hypopigmentation (white spots), and flare of acne. Some point to the lack of proper government regulations in many countries as meaning that patients are at risk of being treated by improperly trained staff.[23]

[edit] Relative contraindications

Laser hair removal should be used cautiously, if at all, by patients in the following categories: Recently acquired dark tan; fine, light hair in people of color; blonde or red hair in areas with tan skin; patients who cannot afford or do not have the time for multiple sessions, because one treatment is rarely adequate.

Laser hair removal

Epilation performed by laser was performed experimentally for about 20 years before it became commercially available in the mid 1990s. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) epilators, though technically not a laser, use xenon flash lamps that emit full spectrum light. Laser and light-based methods, sometimes called phototricholysis or photoepilation, are now most commonly referred to collectively as "laser hair removal". One of the first published articles describing laser hair removal was authored by the group at Massachusetts General Hospital in 1998.

The efficacy of laser hair removal is now generally accepted in the dermatology community, and laser hair removal is widely practiced. Many reviews of laser hair removal methods, safety, and efficacy have been published in the dermatology literature

Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal

Bikini line hair removal - Are razors better than pubic shavers?

Bikini line hair removal can be achieved using electric pubic shavers or razors but which is best
Razors are cheap and many women say they give a closer shave than an electric razor. The cons are they can nick or cut the skin, and lathering up every time you want to shave can be annoying. If you do decide to use a razor as a pubic hair shaver make sure it’s a good one. Choose a female razor and go for best quality rather than lowest price. Throwaway razors are not much good for bikini line hair removal and they are more likely to cause razor burns and soreness while you’re shaving and ingrown hairs later on.

Electric shavers
Electric shavers for women have been around since the late 1940s, although some of the early models were basically just men’s shavers but pink. Today female shavers are much more common and it’s possible to buy shavers designed specifically for bikini line hair removal. Other shavers come with separate shaving foils for pubic shaving. Pubic shavers with hypoallergenic foils, skin coolers, and built-in trimmers are also available.

Fewer shaving cuts and convenience are among the reasons for using a pubic hair shaver. There’s no need to use shaving foam with an electric pubic shaver and it will be safer to use because the skin is protected from the blade. Razor burns will also not be a problem. Some pubic shavers can even be taken in the shower and some manufacturers claim their shavers will shave as close as a razor. If you decide to buy one, make sure you do some research of your own first.

Electric shaver or razor?
To summarize, electric pubic shavers tend to be quicker, safer and easier to use but they may not give such a close shave as a razor. They also cost more. If you change from one to the other, make sure you give yourself a chance to get used to it.

Grooming pubic hair - An alternative to removing pubic hair

Grooming pubic hair is an alternative to shaving pubic hair and is especially useful for people with sensitive skin...

Women have been changing the appearance of their pubic hair for generations. Today, many use shaving or waxing to improve its appearance but others find these methods aren’t for them. They may have very sensitive skin, which is irritated by pubic shaving, or they are particularly sensitive to the pain of waxing. They find that grooming pubic hair is a better way for them to keep it looking neat without the risks of rashes, bloodspots, pimples and ingrown hairs, which are associated with removing pubic hair.

If you do decide waxing or shaving pubic hair isn’t for you, grooming pubic hair is very straightforward. Here’s how to get started.

Grooming pubic hair starts with daily exfoliating and moisturising of the pubic area. This keeps the hair and skin in good condition. If you wish to trim your pubic hair, first, wash and shampoo it. You can use a little conditioner too, so that the hair is tangle free. You’ll need a pair of small sharp scissors and a large-toothed comb to get started. A beard trimmer is even better. Set it to long length and then start trimming. Use scissors and a comb in the same way as a hair stylist does. Run the comb thru the hair and then cut against the comb.

Only take a little off at a time and remember to keep checking the mirror to see how you’re getting on. Curly hair will spring back when you’ve cut it so make sure you don’t cut it too short. Be careful you don’t cut yourself. Using a beard trimmer or pubic hair shaver is easier as you don’t’ have to worry about injuring yourself or trimming hair too short.

When you’ve finished trimming, take a shower to wash away all the hairs. As with shaving pubic hair, maintenance is important. Regular trimming will keep hair neat. How often will depend on how quickly your hair grows but every four days is about average.

Bikini line hair removal - A guide to pubic hair removal methods

This bikini line hair removal guide describes the various methods of pubic hair removal available...

Shaving is the most common method of removing pubic hair. That’s probably because it’s cheap and you can do it yourself at home. Most women use a razor and if you decide to do the same, remember to use a safety razor designed for bikini line hair removal. Electric razors are more expensive but less hassle to use and a little safer.

Many women find shaving a quick and convenient short-term method of bikini line hair removal but frequent pubic hair shaving can be a pain. Side effects can include razor bumps and other skin irritations and stubble growth between shaves can lead to itching and ingrown hairs.

Bikini Wax
If you want a longer-term solution than shaving, a bikini wax is an option. As hair is pulled out from the roots, it won’t grow back for four to six weeks. Not surprisingly, the treatment can be painful, and many women are reluctant to use this method of pubic hair removal for this reason. It’s worth remembering though that the pain should be less with every treatment.

Epilators are electric devices that when applied to the skin pull hair out by the roots. Hair may not return for up to four weeks so they can be quite a good long-term method of pubic hair removal. They used to be painful to use but current products are reportedly less so as they numb the skin as they work. Very short hairs can be removed too so stubble and ingrown hairs are less of a problem.

Depilatory lotions
Depilatory lotions can take as little as ten minutes to dissolve hair. Some are designed for bikini line hair removal but you should use them with caution. Never use them on the pubic area other than along the bikini line as the chemicals can burn the skin or cause allergic reactions. Always carry out a skin test on your elbow before using a depilatory cream. Don’t use products designed for removing hair on the face: the pubic area is more sensitive.

A guide to shaving pubic hair – Results Without Irritation

With pubic hair shaving becoming so popular in today’s modern society, what most women need to know is how to get the best results with the least irritation. This article gives you the tips you need to avoid those unwanted after pubic shaving irritations.

Before you do anything else, you should trim your pubic hair. Never attempt to shave public hair that’s long as it will clog or break your razor. Hair should be no longer than a quarter of an inch and you should make sure you use small sharp scissors for trimming.

Pubic hair is coarser than head hair so before shaving pubic hair you should soften it. Soak in a hot bath or take a long hot shower. A clean pubic area will also help prevent skin irritations later on. Before you begin shaving, make sure the area is completely dry.

Tools for shaving pubic hair

No guide to shaving pubic hair would be complete without mentioning the best tools. Your boyfriend’s shaving cream and switchblade razor might work wonders on his beard, but they could bring you out in a rash, or worse so it’s best to invest in the right products.

A cream, foam, or gel made for shaving pubic hair is essential and you should make sure it’s suitable for your skin type. You may need to try out different products to find one that is best for you. Don’t use soap. It won’t lather properly or moisten and soften the hair and could cause irritation. Similarly, never use a switchblade razor or a disposable razor. A good-quality safety razor designed for shaving pubic hair will help prevent cuts and soreness.

Shaving pubic hair

Before shaving pubic hair, make sure the area is well covered with shaving foam or gel. Leave for two to three minutes. With one hand, gently pull the skin so that it’s taut. With the other hand shave upwards using long strokes against the direction of hair growth. To avoid ingrown hairs, don’t shave to close, apply too much pressure or shave the same area over and over again.

Make sure the area you shave is covered in foam or gel or you could get razor burns, which can be very painful. Run the razor under the tap regularly or it will clog. When you have finished your pubic shaving, dry the area gently using a soft towel. Apply Aloe Vera or baby oil to soothe the skin and help prevent itching.

Pubic hair care types

Pubic hair care is popular from Islamic to modern western societies. Find out the main pubic hair care types used among women.

Pubic hair is defined as the hair in the frontal genital area, in the crotch and some add the top inside of the legs.

In most cases, distinguished pubic hair can be found within 3 years into puberty.
Women have always paid attention to grooming their pubic hair. In paintings from the 19’Th century naked women have a shaved or trimmed pubic hair. In some cultures as the Islam women must trim their pubic hair.

There are 3 main pubic hair care types used among women:

1. Removing pubic hair – Pubic hair removal becomes more and more common. It is popular among the modern western society as well as traditional societies like Islam or Hindu. Some remove all they pubic hair while others prefer to leave some of it usually with the shape of an upside down triangle.

There are several methods of removing pubic hair – trimming with scissors, tweezing, waxing (bikini wax) and shaving.

Why use waxing? Hair growth slows within time and it can be done at home.

Why use shaving? It is relatively cheap and can be done at home.

Why use tweezing? It is useful to remove some hair fibers but not all pubic hair

2. Dying pubic hair – Lots of women dye their pubic hair although they are not aware of the damage they may cause. There is no product in the market that was manufactured with the purpose of tinting pubic hair.

In spite of the potential risk many dye their pubic hair to become real and all red hair or blond.

3. Shaping pubic hair – Becoming a hair dresser and shaping the pubic hair with any shape you can imagine is a widespread phenomenon. The recommended guides to shaping the pubic hair area are : deciding on the shape, trimming the hair besides the hair you are leaving as short as possible, taking a warm shower , shaving the pubic hair with a razor, cleaning the area thoroughly and finally drying it off.

Removing pubic hair methods

Find out the existing removing pubic hair methods and decide which method is best for you.

Shaving is the most popular removing pubic hair method. However, it is not the only one.
After you have decided you want to remove your pubic hair, you will have to examine the different methods for removing pubic hair and decide which on is the best for you.

The following lines include a brief glance of the existing pubic hair removal methods:

1. Shaving – razor shaving is the most popular removing pubic hair method. One should shave his pubic hair area carefully and gently using a proper razor and shaving cream. Make sure you wash and clean your pubic hair area before and after the shave.

2. Hair removal creams – those can cause lots of pain and allergic reactions. However, they are effective in removing pubic hair. We suggest you test in on a harmless spot like your back or the inside of your elbow to check for possible allergic reactions. If your skin gets red or itchy for a long period of time (more than 3 hours) do use it. Again, wash you pubic hair area carefully after using this removing pubic hair method.

3. Waxing – We strongly suggest avoiding using wax for removing pubic hair. Most of the women can not stand the pain and the outcome is as good as the other removing pubic hair methods.

4. Electrolysis – A permanent pubic hair removing methods using electric shocks. It can be done in a hair salon or at home after purchasing a personal device. This method is very expensive (It may cost more than a thousand dollars). It also painful in most cases but this method provides a permanent pubic hair removal.

5. Pulling – We got to know in our research quite a few women who prefer pull their pubic hair out. It takes time, It’s painful but it involves a satisfaction.

Now you can make the proper decision on the best removing pubic hair method for you. Good luck.

911 Corp. executed an independent research to find the best method for removing pubic hair. The results were clear. Find out more

Guide to shaving pubic hair

Getting the decision to start shaving your pubic hair is easy. Doing it is a bit more difficult. Using the guidelines in this article, you will find that pubic hair shave can be a simple task.

Getting the decision to start shaving your pubic hair is easy. Doing it is a bit more difficult.

Using the guidelines in this article, you will find that pubic hair shave can be a simple task.

First, is your pubic hair shave decision final? Make sure you are aware of the possible consequences and side effects of pubic hair shave. Remember, you can not stop shaving your pubic hair once you start doing it.

We suggest that your partner will help you with your first pubic hair shave. However, you can do it yourself.

Follow the following step in the guide to shaving pubic hair:

1. Buy the proper products. You must get a razor and a shaving cream before going on with the other steps.

Do not use a male shaving cream or soap. You can easily find specialized creams for female shaving suitable for your skin type.

Likewise, you must not use switch blade razor or a disposable razor. You should buy a female safety razor which can be used to pubic hair shave.

2. Cut off your pubic hair. The worst step people do is shaving their pubic hair without clipping it first. Doing so will damage the razor and cause unnecessary pain. Clip your pubic hair using a pair of sharp scissors. Your pubic hair should be short a possible.
Notice that you will have to do this step only on the first time.

3. Get ready for pubic hair shaving. Clean the area to be shaved. In order to avoid irritated skin and pimples afterwards and for the most effective pubic hair shave, prepare yourself.

Get a hot shower or bath, splashing a lot of water on your pubic hair. After the shower dry yourself properly and make sure your pubic hair is dry and clean before moving to the next step.
4. Now you are ready to shave. Apply shaving cream generously on your pubic hair. Straighten your skin with one hand and gently shave with the other hand. Move the razor in the counter direction of your hair.

You can shave the same area more than time but make sure you have enough cream on the pubic hair area.

5. After you are satisfied with the outcome of the pubic hair shave, wash generously with warm water the shaved area until it is clean.

6. Aftercare – Use baby oil or aloe vera gel to protect your skin
Follow those steps in order to make pubic hair shave easy and effective. Good luck.

Pubic hair shave decision

Stop thinking over pubic hair shave. All the information you need to know to get the decision.

Whether you are a guy or a girl, shaving your pubic hair is a option, but one should consider it seriously before actually doing it. Shaving pubic hair is not an easy or pleasant task, it could be dangerous when done carelessly and it might have some side effects.

This article could be your first step to shaving pubic hair. However, we strongly advice to follow the instructions of any removing pubic hair method you will use in the future.

The difference between shaving pubic hair for men and women is slight. Men should be familiar with the fact that their pubic hair shaving takes more time and should be done more carefully.

Before you decide on starting pubic hair shave, you have to consider the following things:

1. The outcome is different for each person removing his pubic hair. Fortunately, we are all different from each other – each body is different and therefore each hair is different. For example, some people will re grow their hair very fast while in other cases it will take a lot of time. Do not expect for miracles.

2. Pubic hair shave will become a crucial part of your daily life. In some cases, you will have to shave your pubic hair every day, if you want to stay always with no pubic hair. Remember, Once you start to shave your pubic hair, there is no way back (exactly like beard shaving).

3. There are no free presents. You will have to buy occasionally unique pubic hair shaving products. In most cases, we advise to use other products than the ones you use to shave other parts of your body like beard.

4. Think carefully about the reasons you decided to start shaving your pubic hair. It is your body, and you should do it only if you are convinced about it. Whether it is a better appearance, a better feeling, hygienic or any other reason – count on your self and make the right decision.

Hair Removal

Genital Hair Removal

Genital Hair Removal